Facebook Advertising

We tap into the immense power of this popular platform to enable more people to spread glowing recommendations about your business.


We use Facebook ads to create winning sales funnels

People using Facebook will now see more posts from their friends and less business content in their newsfeed. What does that mean? Likes are irrelevant. You need ads that convince people to engage with your service – and ours do.

Successful sales funnels: people buy your services or products, after seeing a few ads. We’ve done this countless times, so it really is that simple.

Facebook remarketing: it’s likely that people who’ve visited your website are interested in what you have to offer. We’ll retarget them so they make a purchase, rather than hide your ad.

Both small and big businesses spend money on Facebook ads. Why not invest a bit on top of your current strategy, to ensure what you’re doing is working?


Precise targeting

Facebook is one of the best ways to get your foot in the door when you’re starting out. It can also establish your leadership, if you’ve been around the block. There’s a “but” though — it only works if you’re a master at targeting.

Demographics: sex, age, location. Who’s more likely to buy what you’re selling, how old are they and where do they live?

Interests: what do they do in their free time?

Friends and competitors: who’s in their social circle and do they follow any of your competitors?

Income: what do they do for work? Can they afford to buy from you?

Don’t listen to people who say that one Facebook ad is enough to attract clients. Milk Facebook for all it’s worth by using the best sales funnel strategies to bring more traffic to your website.

Make no mistake, this is not about pressuring people to buy your products or services. It’s simply a gentle reminder that you’re the best choice, ready to meet their needs.

Facebook is the place to be conversational, friendly and accessible. We help you to engage with your clients in an authentic way, while proudly stating what your business is about.

If you’re like many people, you regularly use Facebook to connect with friends. Think about the power of this platform when it comes to sharing information? Mind-boggling. We can easily tap into this popular resource to spread glowing recommendations about your business.