User Insights

This powerful tool reveals the journey that clients take before they buy from your business. Update your site based on this information and attract more sales.


Now you can see exactly what’s stopping potential clients from making a transaction.

Imagine what you could do with that knowledge? Digital Echo User Insights helps you to convert sales and so much more…

Website visitor recording for those with limited time. Skip the parts you don’t need to see and fast forward to the decision-making moment.

Heatmaps that highlight hot and cold sections on your website (filtered by multiple factors). Use this information to attract more people to your call-to-action page.

Fine-tune your marketing strategy by using the locations, keywords, social media posts and referrers that work.


Understand and Improve Funnels

Website visitor recording, heatmaps and User Insight tools show you the journey (sales funnel) clients take before they commit to a purchase.

Where do they land the most? Is it the page you expected, a random blog post or somewhere else? You’ll be surprised what attracts potential clients!

What do they do next – leave or explore another page on your site?

Trace every step of the user’s journey. Analyse this information and improve your site to get more hits on pages that translate to sales.

Maybe your contact forms don’t work? Is your copy too long or dull? Perhaps your images don’t evoke the right emotion? We’ll identify problematic areas that you can improve.

Monitoring website visitors and heatmaps is one thing, but talking to current and potential customers lifts your service to another level. You can do this with Digital Echo software.

A successful poll is the best website optimisation tool. Create polls so web visitors can tell you what you’re doing right and wrong.

There’s no point using reporting software if you can’t make sense of the features at a glance. Our system is clear, easy to use and intuitive.